BIG APPLE CIRCUS INCONTRA RONCALLI! La nuova produzione del circo di New York
La notizia nell’aria da diversi mesi, trova ora riscontro ufficiale. Per l’inverno 2023/2024 il Big Apple Circus, celebre complesso newyorkese, presenta una nuova produzione realizzata in collaborazione con il Circo Roncalli, il circo tedesco fondato e diretto da Bernhard Paul a partire dalla seconda metà degli anni Settanta e divenuto poi uno dei più longevi fenomeni cult del panorama circense internazionale.
Il celebre marchio americano rilanciato negli ultimi anni da Wallenda si presenta oggi associato a quello tedesco, riprendendo in toto gli elementi cardini della comunicazione tra cui il volto del nostro Clown Carillon che attraversa così l’Oceano per portare il suo mondo onirico fatto di sogni e magiche bolle in un continente per lui nuovo. Lo vediamo nel manifesto sorreggere sul palmo della mano la Statua della Libertà! Sul manifesto di lancio troviamo anche il regisseur Patrick Philadenphia, un componente dei Lemon Brothers (bascula coreana), il clown di ripresa Devin Bogino).
Gli spettacoli sono annunciati dall’8 novembre nella tradizionale area del Lincoln Center di New York. Leggiamo testualmente: “Unisciti a noi nel nostro 46esimo anniversario per assistere a numeri stravaganti e sbalorditivi e spettacoli meravigliosi e fantasiosi che danno una nuova interpretazione della tradizione circense classica”. Torna anche “Journey to the Rainbow” titolo dei primi spettacoli di Roncalli anni Settanta-Ottanta “Die Reise zum Regenbogen” (Il viaggio per l’Arcobaleno).
Per oggi sono annunciate altri aggiornamenti di questa produzione che dovrebbe portare negli Usa anche alcuni decori che da sempre caratterizzano il suggestivo ambiente di Roncalli fatto di carovane antichizzate, velluti e lampadine retrò.
Contemporaneamente il Roncalli gestirà tre unità in Germania a Bremen, a Osnabruck e al Tempodrom di Berlino oltre all’Apollo Varieté di Dusseldorf e i mercatini di Natale che regolarmente Roncalli cura in alcune città.
Aspettiamo di conoscere, con impazienza, maggiori dettagli su quello che si presenta come un colpo di scena di grande interessa e soprattutto un connubio tra Europa e Stati Uniti piuttosto raro e inconsueto. Gli americani si lasceranno sedurre dallo stile europeo e dalle atmosfere “roncalliane”?
Ecco il comunicato stampa ufficiale del 20 settembre che annuncia la collaborazione:
NEW YORK, Sept. 20, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — The Big Apple Circus is excited to announce a first-of-its-kind collaboration with Europe’s beloved, and Andy Warhol-approved, Circus-Theater Roncalli for its upcoming 2023 season. This all-new show, “Journey to the Rainbow,” will transport the audience to a dreamlike wonderland as it blends the best of New York City’s hometown circus with the romance and magic of today’s European circus tradition. It will mark the long-awaited U.S. premiere of Circus-Theater Roncalli, which is revered as one of the most beautiful circuses in the world. The company has amazed more than 45 million spectators since its inception in the mid-1970s with its contemporary but nostalgic take on the one-ring circus experience.
“Journey to the Rainbow ” will run for 8-weeks only from November 8th through January 1st under the Big Top at Lincoln Center’s Damrosch Park. General on-sale begins Tuesday, September 26th at 10AM ET with tickets available at www.bigapplecircus.com.
Bernhard Paul, the founder and owner of Circus-Theater Roncalli, and Patrick Philadelphia, a long-time executive at Circus-Theater Roncalli, will helm this dazzling and dream-like production created specifically for the Big Apple Circus. 34 talented artists from different parts of the world will present their spectacular circus performances in costumes specially designed for the show. It will also feature a live orchestra of eight musicians who will interact with the audience throughout the show and play an original score composed by Georg Pommer, Circus-Theater Roncalli’s longtime Music Director.
Beyond the circus ring, audiences will enjoy an immersive feast for the senses that includes ambient circus acts, mouth-watering midway culinary classics, and a menagerie of confections topped off with a dollop of the Big Top’s signature delights.
“We made a promise in 2021 to bring back the Big Apple Circus bigger and better than ever, and improve upon it each year thereafter,” said Nik Wallenda, producer and former headliner of the Big Apple Circus, and relative of the renowned daredevil circus family, The Flying Wallendas. “As a circus performer for decades, I can ensure that this first-ever collaboration between Big Apple Circus and Circus-Theater Roncalli will be our most spectacular production yet, filled with classic circus charm and otherworldly theatrics.”
“Ever since Andy Warhol told me that he wanted to bring the Circus-Theater Roncalli to America, this idea has always been in the back of my mind,” said Circus-Theater Roncalli founder and owner, Bernhard Paul. “Warhol said at the time that this was the kind of circus that New Yorkers would love. We are now very excited to realize our dream and create a magical production that tells the story of our founding and celebrates the joy and wonder of classic circus.”
This season the Big Apple Circus will continue with its legacy community program, Circus For All, by donating over 5,000 tickets to local non-profits and community based organizations to offer the circus experience to hundreds of children and families at no cost. The BAC also provides daytime programming for local schools at an accessible price point.
About Big Apple Circus: The Big Apple Circus was founded by Paul Binder and Michael Christensen in 1977 as an alternative to the glitz and spectacle of the American three-ring circus. In the 46 years since, the Big Apple Circus has epitomized the intimacy and artistry associated with the European one-ring circus and established a home at Lincoln Center where it presents a new show each year under its Big Top in Damrosch Park.
About Circus-Theater Roncalli: The Circus-Theater Roncalli celebrated its world premiere in May 1976 with the program “The Greatest Poetry in the Universe” at the Bonner Sommer, and later established legendary success with the debut of “The Journey to the Rainbow” at Cologne’s Neumarkt in June 1980. The company quickly became known for top-class, immersive circus entertainment, featuring cutting-edge acts that were not found in any other circus production at the time. As cultural ambassador for the state of NRW, Roncalli was the first German circus to travel to Moscow with tent and wagon. In addition to Luxembourg, Brussels, Zurich and Amsterdam, the Circus-Theater Roncalli has already been at the EXPO in Seville and for a week at Christmas in Europe’s cultural capital Copenhagen in the historic Schumann Building. Since 2018, the Circus-Theater Roncalli has abandoned real animals.
“Journey to the Rainbow” is presented by Michael Cohl of S2BN Entertainment and the former chairman of Live Nation; Arny Granat, CEO Of Grand Slam Productions; Marty LaSalle, CEO of the Big Apple Circus; and Nik Wallenda of the renowned daredevil circus family, The Flying Wallendas.
BIG APPLE CIRCUS INCONTRA RONCALLI! La nuova produzione del circo di New York
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