A seguito dell’assurdo provvedimento Greco che bandisce la presenza degli animali negli spettacoli in terra ellenica, pubblichiamo una lettera inviata dalla Direzione del Festival Internazionale del Circo “Città di Latina” al Parlamento Greco, di sensibilizzazione e dissenso sulla scelta intrapresa.
Questo il testo della lettera:
For the attention of the Greek Parliament
Italy, Latina, 10.02.2012
Good evening from . It’s the Cultural Association “Giulio Montico” writing. I am Mr Fabio Montico, President of the Association. This Cultural Association, based in , is a no profit-making organisation it organises the International Circus Festival “City of ” which main aim is to bring more people into contact with the world of the Circus, and also to sustain and encourage the conservation of the historic traditions of the Circus. One of the most important traditions of the Circus in , as well as all over the world, is the presence of animals in the show. According with this ancient tradition, animals are present also in our Festival that has the official support of numerous public institutions: the President of the Republic confers two Medals to be awarded to two artists whose performances are particularly outstanding. The European Parliament, The Ministry of Heritage and Cultural Activities, The Ministry of Youth patrons of this event. The Administration of The Regional Council of Lazio Region, The Province of Latina and The City Council of Latina are patrons of this event. Further patronages have been conceded to the Festival by: European Circus Association (ECA) Sapienza – of Tor Vergata – Migrantes – Foundation of the Italian Episcopal Conference. The presence of animals in our Festival, as well as in circuses, is regulated by laws that let animals live in the best condition of welfare and health. Circus people is interested in guaranteeing animals anything can be useful for their welfare just because they love animals and they live with them. We cannot forget that:
- most of species of animals who live in circuses are also employed in sports and police (like horses), in many human jobs (like elephants and camels), or in daily common life (like cats or dogs)
- many people can grow up in their love and respect for animals only by knowing and seeing them and in many cities circuses and zoo represent a good chance to obtain this goal
- in most countries of animals can be present in circuses
- animals represent a chance of work for many people involved in circus show business.
Having considered all these things, we wish to communicate our disappointment regarding the decision of Greek Parliament to ban the performances of animals in Circus and every kind of shows. It’s a decision against common sense, reason, law and ethics. It’s a decision that does not help animals and harms the show business just in the name of “politically correct” ideas. Of course we wish that any law that can help to guarantee animals health and welfare into circuses has to be respected letting animal species be protected and safeguarded.
Best wishes
Fabio Montico, President of the International Circus Festival “City of ”
Fonte: Festival del Circo di Latina
13/02/2012 16.29.42
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