Circusfans Italia




Top European Official for Culture to Participate in Monte-Carlo Circus Events

Mr. Ján Fige¾, member of the European Commission responsible for Education, Training, Culture and Youth, will address the circus community at annual meetings held in Monaco 16-17 January connection with the 33rd Festival International du Cirque de Monte-Carlo.   Commissioner Fige¾’s participation underlines the importance of circus arts and culture as part of ’s cultural heritage and as an important discipline among the performing arts. 


Mr. Fige¾’s visit to the annual circus symposium, this year entitled “Circus:  Culture for the Millions,” is among the activities undertaken by the Commission to launch the European Year of Innovation and Creativity 2009.   In keeping with the European Year’s theme, the Symposium will include a panel of artistic directors from , and who will demonstrate and discuss how they incorporate new ideas, artistic elements and cultural traditions into the circus acts and shows they create.   The Symposium, hosted by the European Circus Association and the Fédération Mondiale du Cirque, also will feature, for the first time in , presentations by Cirque du Soleil and the based Circus Harmony about the use of circus to advance societal objectives.   Cirque will present its fifteen years of experience with its “Cirque du Monde” project in 45 countries and Circus Harmony will show how to achieve Peace through Pyramids, Joy through Juggling, and Harmony through Handsprings.


Symposium participants also will hear from a representative of Mrs. Doris Pack, Member of the European Parliament, about plans for next steps to follow up on the Parliament’s October 2005 Resolution on circuses.  The Resolution, among other things, urged specific actions by the European Commission and Member States to remove obstacles confronting the circus relating to work permits and visas and technical requirements and noted the desirability of further recognition of the “classical circus, including the presentation of animals” as part of European Culture.  The European Circus Association will announce a new program entitled “Protect. Preserve. Enjoy.” which encompasses a series of new initiatives to promote animal health, welfare and conservation.


H.S.H. Princess Stephanie will open the Symposium, which will begin with the premiere of a short film created by French television producer Telmondis bearing the same name as the Symposium.


Mr. Urs Pilz, Artistic Director of the Festival and President of the Federation welcomes the Commissioner’s visit to Monte-Carlo.  “We look forward to presenting to the Commissioner the world’s highest platform for circus arts and culture.  The Commissioner will attend one of the two competition shows held during the Festival and will see top quality circus acts that range in style from classical to contemporary.”

The Symposium is one of several meetings and workshops organized by and for the circus during the Festival.  The meetings are open to all interested members of the circus community.


Commissioner Figel’ will be available for questions in a press conference to be held immediately following the closure of the Symposium, scheduled for 17.20.



For more information about Commissioner Fige¾ and the European Year of Innovation and Creativity, please visit:




Commission contacts:


John McDonald, Spokesperson for Education, Training, Culture and Youth, tel.: +32-498-983 729

Pavol Kossey, Member of the Cabinet of Ján Fige¾, tel.: +32-498-966 171



For more information about the Monte-Carlo program or the Federation, please visit:



Federation contacts:



Laura van der Meer, Federation Executive Director, at,  tel +32.2.633.1503 mobile +32.473.965.436


Fonte: Ufficio Stampa Federation Mondial du Cirque

13/01/2009 16.06.43

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