Circusfans Italia





L’articolo del giornale maltese “The Indipendent” annuncia che sarà il Circo Bellucci a trascorrere quest’anno le Festività nell’isola di Malta, per opera dell’impresa di spettacoli J. S. Productions.

Il debutto sarebbe fissato per il 15 dicembre. Manca ancora più di un mese. Nell’attesa riportiamo l’articolo del quotidiano “The Indipendent”.

Circo Bellucci at Ix-Xaghra, Floriana

After an absence of five years, J.S Productions are pleased to announce that Circo Belluci, the only circus with an ISO 9001 certificate, will be coming to Malta for the festive season this Christmas and the New Year,.

Moody International issues the ISO 9001 Certification for excellence in quality, performance security and animal care.

Circo Belluci, considered to be one of the greatest circuses in Europe today is managed by the two brothers Attilio and Emidio. Pope John Paul II was amongst those who were given a private performance of the Circo Bellucci.

The magnificent show, which has various animals like tigers, camels, crocodiles, giant snakes, ponies and for the first time in Malta giraffes, has all the European approved certification for such performances.

The spectacular tent, which seats around 1,500 persons, is equipped with state of the art security, lighting, sound and heating systems powered by a generator.

The internationally renowned circus has just finished a two-year stint in Spain and Morocco, with the participation of the Buffi, Jugglers, Trapiez, Yoga, Magic, BMW Stunt and


The first performance is scheduled for Friday 15 December, at 7.30pm. Two shows will be held daily at 5.30pm and 7.30pm until Sunday 7 January 2007

The circus tent will be set up at Ix-Xaghra tal Floriana, with ample space for parking. The general public can also visit the animals during the day, more information about this will be announced later on in the media.

Seats in the circus ring area cost Lm4 for children and Lm10 for adults. For more information and group bookings call 9901 8225.

The Circus organisers will be giving a donation to Dar tal–Providenza and the Ursuline Sisters of Sliema.

7/11/2006 – 1.49.10

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